The Role of a Local Governing Body (LGB)
The role of the LGB is a strategic one. The LGB is responsible for promoting high standards and educational achievement. The school is accountable to the Group Board, and the LGB should ensure that the school meets the requirements of the Group Board.
The LGB works in partnership with the Principal, the senior leadership team, and senior executives from United Learning to:
- Uphold the values of the school, the ethos and core values of United Learning
- Set the school’s strategic plan
- Monitor the performance and progress of the school, agreeing strategies to achieve continuous improvement, raising standards for all students
- Ensure budgets are allocated effectively reflecting the priorities as set out in the school’s strategic and school improvement plans
- Set key targets
The LGB meets once per half-term to provide support and challenge to the School’s Senior Leadership Team and to discharge its responsibilities. The Principal attends the LGB and other members of SLT regularly provide updates and presentations at the meetings.
Members of the Governing body visit the school regularly to take part in a range of activities to understand school life, celebrate the School’s success, take part in community activities, and provide strategic input to decisions and hold the Senior Leadership Team to account.
The LGB designates ‘nominated governors’ for particular topics based on the areas identified in the School Improvement Plan and including statutory responsibilities.
The topics are reviewed annually. The current topics are:
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Sixth Form
Welfare, Child Protection, Safeguarding, and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Health and Safety, Capital, Finance, and Sustainability
Curriculum, Careers, and Education wth Character
Attendance and Behaviour
Pupil Premium and English as an Additional Language (EAL)
Staff Well-being and Development
IT, E-Safety, Data and Technology
School and Wider Community, and Transition
Nominated governors meet with key staff in their area or sit on the relevant School committee. They provide strategic support and challenge and are responsible for reporting back progress and issues to the LGB.
United Learning appoints the Chair of the LGB who in turn recruits the other governors. The LGB includes strong representation from the local community and also parent representatives. Those appointed have the expertise and experience to complement the goals and ambitions of the school. All LGB members declare that they have no financial or business interest on joining the LGB and review declarations of interest annually and declare any relevant interest at the beginning of each meeting.
If you would like to contact the governors (including the LGB Chair) please do so via Annie Park, Clerk to the LGB at: