Reading at Goresbrook

Reading at Goresbrook

At Goresbrook School, everyone is a reader. This is because reading allows you to develop the most important skills and qualities required to be successful both across all subject areas in school and in our later lives. Research has proven that engagement with reading is the biggest indicator of success in later life and is the most important element in developing your cognitive function. It makes us as people literate, articulate, well-informed and empathetic – all essential qualities for success and happiness! 

As such, the expectation of a Goresbrook student is to be reading for a minimum of twenty minutes every day; this means your reading book should be changed every two or three weeks by visiting the school library regularly. 

The library is open before school at 8.15am and after school until 4.15pm. It is also open every break and lunch time. Please visit the library regularly, explore the wealth of literature available to you, speak to the Librarian, your teachers and the Library Ambassadors for recommendations and continue to take part in our Reading Challenges. By doing this, you are ensuring success in both your GCSE exams and beyond. 

In the words of George R. R. Martin – ‘A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.’ Let’s make sure that we explore as much of the world and as many lives as possible by being fantastic Goresbrook readers!

At Goresbrook we: 

  • Read for 30 minutes every day 

  • Actively read in all lessons  

  • Are exposed to fiction and non-fiction in all subjects 

  • Read a Class Reader in our Coaching groups 

  • Visit the library during Coaching, break times, lunchtimes and after school 

  • Have an online login to browse and select our next reading book online 

  • Use the SORA App and Overdrive to select and listen to audio books for free 

  • Actively engage in discussions about what we are reading 

  • Have a peer reading scheme to support the weakest readers 

  • Encourage and foster a love of reading in all areas 

  • Have recommended Reading Lists for all year groups along with challenge lists to widen our cultural literacy. 

Please see our Recommended Reading Lists for some inspiration for your next book! 

Every person is a reader! 

Why do we do this at Goresbrook?

What can you do to support your child at home? 

  • Ensure they read for at least twenty minutes every day. Remove any distractions from them so they can focus 

  • Read aloud with / to your child at home 

  • Read the same book as your child and discuss the events together, make predictions and ask questions about what might happen 

  • Ensure your child is completing Accelerated Reader quizzes once they have finished their book (see the Parent Guide to support with this) 

  • Ensure your child reads both fiction and non-fiction 

  • Read the news (either in print or online) and discuss current affairs with them 

  • Set your child vocabulary challenges – E.g. can they find 6 synonyms for the word ‘said’ 
