Oversubscription Criteria
If the number of preferences for the school is more than the number of places available, places will be allocated in the following priority order:
- Children who are, or were, in Local Authority care;
- Children with siblings at the school;
- Children who live nearest to the school, measured in kilometers in a straight line (as the crow flies);
If two or more children are ranked equally on any of the above criteria, random allocation will determine which child or children are offered places. In this case, a child or children’s names will be randomly selected from a total list of tied applicants by someone unconnected with the school.
Pupils with Educational Health Care Plans will not be subject to the application of the oversubscription criteria. They will be allocated a place at Goresbrook School if their Educational Health Care Plan nominates the school as being the most suitable.
If you have any further questions regarding admissions to Goresbrook School, please Contact Us.
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