Reporting Absence
If your child is unable to attend school, you must notify us by 8am using one of the methods below. The school should be updated on each and every day of absence.
Please use the Pupil Absence Line on 0203 597 6666 and select Option 1 to leave your message – you must clearly state your child’s name, class and reason for absence.
Absence related emails should be sent to (this includes notifying school of appointments) When reporting absences by email, you must include your child's year group in the subject box.
On return to school you will need to provide a signed letter or complete an orange Return to School form. These can be found in the Parent Information Area at Main Reception or at Secondary Reception. Please be reminded that absences of more than 2 days require medical evidence such as a copy of prescription and/or an appointment card.
Lates Procedure
Secondary pupils should arrive at school for an 8:30am start. Arriving after this time will result in a late mark. Pupils arriving at school late will be issued with a 30 minute Rerouting Session for the same day and parents/carers will be notified by email. Pupils are required to attend the Rerouting Session. Only pupils who have pre-arranged absences such as medical appointments will be allowed to postpone the session.
Leave of Absence
If you need to request a planned absence for your child this must be done in writing to the Principal. Each request will be considered individually. Goresbrook School strongly discourages parents from planning holidays or other absences during term-time. Your child’s learning and achievement are our top priority and any absences from school will negatively impact your childs attainment and their future life chances.
Medical Appointments
As per our Attendance & Punctuality Policy, medical appointments should be made outside of school hours where possible. Where this is not possible, the school require at least 2 days' notice for all medical appointments, excluding emergency appointments. You must inform the school immediately of any emergency appointments.
How Medical Absence Affects Attendance Rewards
All absences, whether authorised or not, will affect a child’s overall attendance percentage. If your child is absent from school due to a medical appointment, they will not achieve 100% attendance for that week and therefore will not receive a reward as a result of the absence.
The only children who are exempt from this, are those who have lifelong/long-term medical conditions* which require them to attend hospital appointments. In order to receive an attendance reward, the following criteria must be met:
- A pupil has a lifelong/long-term* medical condition which requires them to attend hospital appointments
- A pupil has hospital appointments that they need to attend and there is no flexibility as to the time and date of these hospital appointments
- A pupil has medical evidence that they have hospital appointments they need to attend and a copy of the evidence is given to school in advance of the appointment
- A pupil attends school before and after the hospital appointment where possible (at the discretion and judgement of the Attendance and Welfare Officer)
- The hospital appointment is pre-planned and scheduled in advance. It is part of the on-going treatment/monitoring of the medical condition
- Emergency hospital appointments in response to an unexpected issue that has arisen do not count in this exception to the issuing of rewards
*A medical condition that will require more than one academic year of treatment
Please note: GP appointments will not be taken into consideration